Because Only Together We Can

Empowering Excellence in Education




Shared Solutions

KUPMA serves as a platform for member institutions to share challenges and collaboratively find effective solutions. From regulatory issues to pedagogical innovations, we navigate challenges collectively.


Resource Pooling

Our strength lies in unity. Member institutions pool resources, share best practices, and collectively invest in initiatives that benefit the entire association.


— Driving Change

KUPMA actively engages with policymakers, advocating for reforms that address the specific challenges faced by private unaided PU colleges in Karnataka.


Collective Wisdom

Our association is a hub of collective wisdom, where the experiences of one member institution contribute to the growth and resilience of all.


Strategic Collaboration

Through strategic collaboration, we strengthen the educational landscape, ensuring that every institution, regardless of size, can overcome challenges and thrive.


Advocacy Support

KUPMA represents member institutions, collectively addressing regulatory challenges and advocating for policies that support the growth of private unaided PU colleges.

Join Us in Overcoming Challenges

Are you a management representative of a private unaided PU college in Karnataka?

We invite you to join hands with KUPMA in overcoming shared challenges and shaping the future of pre-university education in the state. Membership is exclusive to the managements of private unaided PU colleges, ensuring a focused and united effort to address and resolve the unique challenges faced by institutions in Karnataka.

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